STAR Market Stock Code: 688583

What Is Geomagic Control X for Scantech?

Geomagic Control X for Scantech(CXS) is a professional metrology software that lets you capture and process the data from Scantech’s 3D scanners to measure, understand, and communicate inspection results to ensure quality everywhere. With CXS, more people in your organization can:

  • Measure faster
  • Measure more completely
  • Measure more often
  • Measure anywhere

CXS 3d Software

Easy to Learn

Don’t have time to become an expert in inspection software? CXS is for you. Start getting results with little or no training.

CXS 3d Software

Quick to Use

CXS is flexible – it follows the way you work, not the other way around. And scan-native algorithms built on a CAD kernel make handling huge data sets fast and easy.

CXS 3d Software

Born to Work with Scantech’s 3D Scanners

Get efficient and smooth 3D scanning with the software CXS designed from the ground up to work with Scantech’s 3D scanners.

Combine 3D Scans with T-Probe

Combine 3D Scans with T-Probe

Get the best of both worlds – noncontact scanning and contact probes – in one integrated software interface. Use LiveInspect™ to perform walk-up inspection or pre-planned inspection with graphical and audio guidance.

2D and 3D GD&T

2D and 3D GD&T

With extensive Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing tools, you can analyze size, form, orientation, and location of features according to the ASME Y14.5M standard.

CXS measuresk

CXS measuresk

– Linear, angular, radial, elliptical, bore depth, counterbore, countersink, and thicknes

– Straightness, flatness, circularity, cylindricity, parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity, position, concentricity, symmetry, line profile, surface profile, runout, and total runout

What Can You Do with Geomagic Control X for Scantech?

Design for Manufacturability

Use CXS to check prototypes and address manufacturability issues such as deformation after molding or casting.

Don’t Just Find Problems, Fix Them

Any inspection software can show you where parts are out of spec. CXS integrates tightly with CAD and Geomagic Design X so you can update your 3D CAD models to compensate for any problems.

Identify and Resolve Manufacturing and Assembly Issues

Scanning provides a complete view of your parts. CXS gives you the tools and the flexibility to understand how and why a part may have issues and keep production on track.

Eliminate Costly Scrap and Rework

Empower more people to inspect incoming parts from suppliers to prevent defective parts from making it to assembly.

Assess Damage, Deformation or Wear Accurately and Consistently

Scanning reveals wear or deformation even in unanticipated places. CXS’s automated alignment and deviation analysis tools make it easy to locate and measure part wear.

Predict Part Failure Before It Happens

Monitor changes in a part’s geometry over time to catch unforeseen problems and take corrective action. CXS includes trend analysis and reporting, so you can predict when a part or tool might fail.

Predict Part Failure Before It Happens

CXS is so intuitive, you don’t have to be a highly trained or experienced metrologist to use it. Combined with the portability of 3D scanning, more people in the organization can leverage 3D scan-based inspection.

Improve Quality Documentation

3D scanning a part creates a complete digital record of all of its geometry. You can perform additional measurements at any time, even when the part is no longer physically present. Discover an issue six months from now? Just pull up the scan and check any dimension – no need to remeasure the part.

CXS 3d Software

Ensure Quality Everywhere

Bring the power of 3D scan-based inspection to more people in more places with software that makes it easy to both capture and interpret scan data.

Gain Deeper Insights Beyond Pass/Fail

3D scanners capture far more information than a hand tool or CMM ever could. CXS lets you leverage that rich data to understand why parts are in or out of tolerance.

Optimize Manufacturing Processes

With insights gained from comparing scanned parts to CAD models or golden parts in CXS, stakeholders can recognize and address issues faster than ever.

7x faster

7x faster

3D scanning and inspecting parts with CXS is up to 7x faster than with a CMM

80% lower

80% lower

CXS customers report up to 80% lower inspection costs based on time and labor savings

Professional Inspection Capabilities

Use Scantech’s handheld 3D Scanners with Confidence

CXS was born to work with data from Scantech’s handheld 3D scanners, including composite 3D scanner KSCAN and optical tracking 3D scanner TrackScan. You’re set for all kinds of data processing, without having to learn another software.

Compare Scans to CAD

Beautiful, intuitive color maps show you what is in and out of tolerance and by how much. CXS supports myriad comparison techniques, including 3D, 2D cross-section, boundary, and more.

Align the Way You Want

CXS has streamlined alignment techniques to cover every inspection scenario:

  • Automatic feature-based alignment
  • Best fit alignment with constraint options
  • RPS, datum, and 3-2-1 alignments

Inspect Surface Damage or Wear

CXS was born to work with data from any 3D scanner. We’ve built direct interfaces to many of the most popular systems. You’re set for the future too –add any 3D scanner at any time, without having to learn another software interface.

Compare Scans to Golden Parts

You can scan a golden part and use it as a nominal model to compare back to. CXS treats the scanned nominal just like a CAD model because it automatically adds feature intelligence to every scan (it knows a plane is a plane, for example).

Iterate and Explore to Understand

You can make changes to any part of the inspection process at any time. Try different alignments, different measurements – anything at all – and CXS will recalculate your entire inspection project and show you updated results in an instant.

Clear, Interactive 3D Reports for Everyone

CXS was born to work with data from any 3D scanner. We’ve built direct interfaces to many of the most popular systems. You’re set for the future too –add any 3D scanner at any time, without having to learn another software interface.

Automate the Entire Process

Every aspect of your inspection project is recorded in CXS’s model manager. Additional parts can be inspected with a few clicks – or no clicks at all, thanks to the included batch processing app that can run in parallel on multiple PCs.

Measure Dimensions Instantly

Because CXS automatically recognizes features in nominal models (regardless of whether they’re CAD models or scans of golden parts), measuring dimensions in 2D or 3D is incredibly quick and easy.

What’s the best 3D solution for your business?

Boost your business with 3D digitization technology.

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High-tech 3D Scanners

Scantech’s handheld 3D scanners power the 3D scanning services. These instruments can obtain precise point clouds, which can be triangulated into a polygon mesh or STL file.
Due to their high precision, versatility, and portability, they can fulfill various metrology-grade 3D scanning projects.


3D Model

Impeller with Helix Structure

Engine Cylinder Block
