

Inspección 3D de fundiciones a gran escala para reducir los costos y aumentar la eficiencia

Foundries and engineers can save time and costs for NDT inspection by measuring castings with portable 3D scanners.

06 Sep, 2025

Escaneo de moho 3D: una revolución para la fabricación de maquinaria

By using HSCAN handheld 3D laser scanner, the ultra-high details of exhaust pipe mold are easily captured in a very short time.

06 Sep, 2025

Cómo escanear partes oscuras o reflectantes

Dark and/or reflective parts such as boss wheels and graphite electrodes are very common among the machinery industry, but these parts present a real challenge for 3D scanning.

03 Sep, 2025

Escaneo 3D: ¿Qué es? Cómo funciona y dónde se puede usar - Parte 2

Portable 3D laser scanners enable you to perform various tasks, such as inspection, optimizing the design of parts, or generating digital models. They are utilized in different industries, such as automotive, heavy industry, transportation, and more. In t

31 Aug, 2025

Captura detallada de piezas de precisión por el escáner Prince 3D

The motor part are very small in size, we can attach markers around the object, and then use PRINCE 3D scanner to scan the shape within 2 minutes.

30 Aug, 2025

¿Cómo inspeccionar y mantener un equipo portador de planeta a gran escala?

In this application story, we will show how to inspect and maintain a large-scale planet carrier gear of a wind turbine with a handheld 3D scanner.

26 Aug, 2025

Falso o real? Escaneo 3D de reliquias culturales

The identification and inspection of cultural relics have a big breakthrough due to advanced technology. 3D scanning technology contributes a lot to helping professionals distinguish genuine and fake cultural relics.

21 Aug, 2025

¿Cómo puede un escáner 3D ayudar a hacer aletas protésicas para una gaviota?

Have you ever seen a handicapped dog, dragging his body to get around? Have you ever thought about giving these injured animals prosthetic limbs just, like we do to human beings?

20 Aug, 2025

Historia de la aplicación - Acelerar la inspección de muestreo inicial

To further strengthen its quality and product efficiency, the company is looking for a cost-effective way to inspect its initial sampling pipe for engines.

12 Aug, 2025

3D Inspeccione la carcasa de la caja de cambios de fundición para el análisis de asignación de mecanizado

A casting manufacturer used Scantech’s smart handheld 3D scanner SIMSCAN to measure and inspect a gearbox housing. The project was aimed to determine the machining allowance of the casting and enhance quality control with high precision and efficiency.

07 Aug, 2025

Diseño de producto de interiores de automóviles por escáner 3D

With the development of technology, 3D scanners turn out to be a great problem solver in automobile manufacturing. 3D scanner streamlines workflow, avoids manual errors and helps auto parts manufacturers expand market presence.

06 Aug, 2025

Escaneo 3D: qué es, cómo funciona y dónde se puede usar - Parte 1

Do you know what 3D scanners are and how they work? They are devices that can capture the shape and size of any object. In this article, we will tell you more about the two main types of 3D scanners, laser and structured light, and how they can help you i

04 Aug, 2025