A prominent energy sector supplier used Scantech’s 3D laser scanner to conduct detailed inspections of a substantial hydroturbine runner. The supplier gained significant advantages from the KSCAN-Magic’s capabilities for large area scanning, coupled with
Explore SCANTECH’s latest 3D scanning innovations at TCT Asia 2024, including the iReal M3 color 3D scanner, KSCAN-Magic, SIMSCAN, and TrackScan-Sharp. Discover how SCANTECH’s advanced 3D inspection systems enhance quality control and digital manufacturin
When we were young, we always yearned for all kinds of gifts: a football, a doll, and a long-cherished book. Whenever we get such a gift, we can be happy for a long time.
Using Scantech’s 3D solutions, heritage conservators meticulously digitized and reproduced the sculpture of Sainte Anne d’Auray, contributing to preserving cultural heritage.
The 33rd Control is taking place on May 7 ~ 10 at Messe Stuttgart, and ScanTech also participates this grand show as before. We will present our latest innovation KSCAN 3D scanner on metrology measuring in Control 2019.
In the digital era, understanding the accuracy of 3D scanners has become increasingly complex. While specifications can often be overwhelming, the crucial question is whether the scanner can address your needs. Therefore, a deeper understanding is necessa