

Respuestas rápidas para la inspección NDT y NDT 3D

This blog provides a basic description of non-destructive testing (NDT), its advantages, the commonly used test methods and techniques, and a glimpse into NDT 3D inspection.

15 Apr, 2025

Scantech anuncia al Sr. Paul Zhang como Director de Ventas de la Región de América

Scantech is pleased to announce the new Sales Director of Scantech Americas region, Mr. Paul Zhang.

14 Apr, 2025

Investigación científica sobre el escaneo 3D del helicóptero

It’s necessary for engineers to find an effective way to get acquire 3D data of it, which will give them more comprehensive understanding of helicopter R&D.

12 Apr, 2025

5 cosas que debe saber al elegir escáneres 3D de mano

This article will explain the difference between 3D laser and structured-light scanners and core factors, such as accuracy, resolution, and scanning rate when choosing handheld 3D scanners.

11 Apr, 2025

Scantech nombra a Mike Ma como director de ingresos

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mike Ma to be our CRO. He has contributed a lot during the promotion and formed a deep understanding of 3D digital technology business.

10 Apr, 2025

Scantech lanza AM - Sistema de medición 3D Automated 3D de la serie Cell C

Scantech has announced the release of the new optical automated 3D measurement system AM-CELL C. It consists of a robot, positioner, and a tracking station, is developed for efficient and automated inspection of small-to-medium-sized parts

09 Apr, 2025

Introducción de Nimbletrack: el sistema de escaneo 3D óptico de corte - Edge para precisión y movilidad

Scantech is thrilled to announce the launch of NimbleTrack, a groundbreaking wireless 3D scanning system designed to revolutionize the way we measure and analyze small-to-medium-sized parts.

09 Apr, 2025

Eficiencia - Escaneo 3D mejorado para sistemas de escape automotrices

The exhaust system is comprised of piping that is used to guide exhaust gases away from a controlled combustion inside the engine. Upgrading the exhaust system is momentous to improve your vehicle’s engine flow.

08 Apr, 2025

¿Cómo el escaneo 3D puede mejorar el diseño e ingeniería de la embarcación?

How to optimize your product development of boats? High-precision 3D scanner can be applied throughout the product development process to enhance design and engineering.

06 Apr, 2025

¿Cómo puede ayudar 3D Scan en la personalización automotriz?

In this blog, we will show you the capabilities of our 3D scanning technology for a variety of automotive aftermarket customization.

06 Apr, 2025

Escaneo 3D automotriz con Scantech: desde el aula hasta la industria

SCANTECH’s automotive 3D scanning technology revolutionizes the approach to automotive design, seamlessly integrating educational insights with industrial application, enhancing workflows from the classroom to the production line.

03 Apr, 2025

Escaneo 3D en un gran cabezal de corte TBM

TBM can be applied to coal mining roadway excavation, tunnel construction of railway, highway and water conservancy projects, etc.

02 Apr, 2025
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