

Tecnología de metrología 3D Mejora la precisión y la calidad en la fabricación

3D metrology enhances precision and quality control by using advanced scanning technologies to measure complex shapes and meet strict tolerances. With versatile systems for various industries, it offers faster, more accurate solutions compared to traditio

15 Oct, 2025

Fin de año Promoción temprana de aves

To speed up your 3D digital process and optimize measurement workflows, Scantech metrology-grade and consumer-grade 3D scanners will be your best choice

15 Oct, 2025

Evento comercial de EE. UU. 2019

ScanTech will present our 3D measurement solutions at U.S. FabTech and SEMA EXPO. You are hereby invited to join us. We’ll be happy to meet you.

14 Oct, 2025

La ceremonia de licencia de la estación de trabajo postdoctoral de Zhejiang se celebró con éxito

Scantech has held a successful licensing ceremony for Zhejiang Postdoctoral Workstation of Scantech at its headquarters building. Scantech will join hands with Zhejiang University, one of the top universities in China, to cultivate high-end talents.

13 Oct, 2025

Ingeniería marina: solución de escaneo 3D para la inspección de la cuchilla de la turbina de barcos y el desarrollo de productos

This article focuses on how 3D scanning can enhance productivity in marine engineering, illustrated through a case study on measuring turbine blades. By utilizing advanced 3D scanning technology, the manufacturer was able to obtain precise 3D data on thin

12 Oct, 2025

¿Qué es la fotogrametría y cómo puede ayudar en el escaneo 3D?

By integrating photogrammetry with 3D scanning, we can enhance the speed and accuracy of data collection and the 3D modeling process

12 Oct, 2025

Medición precisa de Tesla empoderada por el escáner KSCAN 3D

For large-sized workpieces like an automobile, the scanning area and speed are important factors when selecting a 3D scanner.

12 Oct, 2025

Scantech ayuda a 3D a escanear un metro de 8 y 190 - millones - año - fósiles de dinosaurios de edad

Its excavation has been reported by CCTV in its 7-day live broadcast “Return to the Jurassic Period-Yunnan Lufeng Dinosaur Fossil Scientific Excavation”. Scantech was honored to be invited to participate in the digital 3D scanning and restoration of the d

11 Oct, 2025

Scantech lanza el último sistema de medición óptico 3D TrackScan - P Ofrece detección de borde innovador

Scantech launches today the latest version of its TrackScan-P, a target-free optical 3D measurement system, featuring increased laser lines with enhanced scanning efficiency, upgraded high-resolution cameras and advanced hole inspection.

10 Oct, 2025

Hacientes de actualización 3DEVOK V3.0

Scantech, a leading technology company that specializes in the development, manufacture, and sale of 3D scanners, has released the latest 3D scanner software 3DeVOK V3.0.

30 Sep, 2025

Detección de productos de aislamiento con tecnología de escaneo 3D

Insulation products are of the utmost importance to electrical safety. Effective quality control before launching the products is essential to ensure product stability and the safe operation of electrical devices.

30 Sep, 2025

Scantech libera 3DeVok v3.0 para empoderar a Smart 3D Scanning

Scantech, a global 3D measurement company specialized in the development, manufacture, and sale of 3D scanners, releases the latest 3D scanning software 3DeVOK V3.0 of our 3DeVOK lineup.

28 Sep, 2025
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