AutoScan - K 3D Sistema

La serie AutoScan - K, un sistema automático de inspección 3D, puede realizar una inspección no - Contact e no - destructiva utilizando tecnología de visión artificial. Si bien garantiza una mayor precisión adicional, puede llevar a cabo efectivamente el escaneo y la inspección de lotes en línea. Con una operación constante de 24 horas, el sistema AutoScan - K 3D ayuda a las empresas a reducir los costos de fabricación, acelerar el tiempo del producto - al mercado y aumentar el retorno de la inversión.

Equipado con múltiples modos de trabajo, el sistema AutoScan - K 3D puede adaptarse a la medición en varios escenarios industriales. Mientras tanto, basado en los algoritmos de visión artificial de corte - Edge, puede controlar con precisión los movimientos del robot, realizando así una inspección de lotes eficiente y automática.

Automatic Whole-process Inspection

Without human involvement, AutoScan-K is an automated 3d scanner that can automatically conduct batch 3D scanning and inspection for data comparison, and generate inspection reports, after scanning routes and measurement process are set for different products.

Personalized Operation

Multiple measurement modes are offered depending on the characteristics of different workpieces. To meet different inspection requirements, the workpieces can be clamped from multiple angles to set inspection routes.

Safe and Reliable NDT

Based on automated optical measurement technology, the AutoScan-K automated 3d system truly achieves non-contact and non-destructive intelligent testing, which is safe, reliable, and applicable in different workshop environment. Its industrial intelligent rotary tables make efficient and blind-angle-free inspection possible.

Precise and Effective Measurement

AutoScan-K can inspect workpieces with different sizes, weights and pieces made from different materials. It can generate as much as 45 laser lines for high density data scanning, with the speed of up to 1,650,000 per second. It enables precise 3D inspection in harsh industrial environment with resolution up to 0.010 mm and volume accuracy up to 0.030 mm/m.

Secondary Development

The secondary development allows operators to control the system by calling the SDK interface.

Ready To Get Started?

Rebuild our 3D world with the most advanced 3D scanning system available.

Technical specification

TipoAutoScan - KM IIAutoScan - KM
Modo de escaneoUltra - Escaneo rápido17 cruces láser azules11 cruces láser azules
Escaneo hiperfino7 líneas láser paralelas azules
Escaneo de área grande11 líneas láser infrarrojas paralelas
Escaneo de agujeros profundos1 línea láser azul extra
Exactitud(1)Hasta 0.020 mm (0.0008 pulgadas)
Tasa de escaneo hasta4,150,000 medidas/s2,700,000 medidas/s
Área de escaneo hasta1440 mm × 860 mm
(57.0 en × 33.9 in)
Clase láserClase ⅱ (ojo - seguro)
Resolución hasta0.010 mm (0.0004 pulgadas)
Sistema de fotogrametríaÁrea de escaneo3760 mm × 3150 mm
(148.0 en × 124.0 in)
Profundidad de campo2500 mm (98.4 in)
Precisión volumétrica(2)Trabajar solo0.015 mm + 0.030 mm/m
(0.0006 en + 0.00036 en/ft)
Trabajar con una barra de referencia de 1 m0.015 mm + 0.020 mm/m
(0.0006 en + 0.00024 in/ft)
Trabajar con MSCAN - L150.015 mm + 0.012 mm/m
(0.0006 en + 0.00014 in/ft)
Parar a la distancia300 mm (11.8 pulgadas)
Profundidad de campo925 mm (36.4 pulgadas)
Formatos de salida.stl, .obj, .ply, .asc, .igs, .txt, .mk2, .umk y etc.
Rango de temperatura de funcionamiento- 10 ℃ - 40 ℃ (14 ℉ - 104 ℉)
Modo de interfazUSB 3.0
PatentesCN204329903U, CN104501740B, CN104165600B, CN204988183U, CN204854633U, CN2049444431U, CN204902788U, CN105068384B, CN105049664B, CN204902784U, CN204963812U, CN204902785U, CN204902790U, CN106403845B, CN209197685U, CN209263911U, CN106500627B, CN106500628B, CN206132003U, CN20690570909U CN107202554B, CN209310754U, CN209485295U, CN209485271U, CN305446920S, CN209991946U, US103097770B2, KR102096806B1, KR102209255B1, US10914514576B22BINE

(1) ISO 17025 Acreditado: Basado en VDI/VDE 2634 Parte 3 Estándar y especificación JJF 1951, se evalúa el rendimiento del error de sondeo (tamaño) (PS).

(2) ISO 17025 Acreditado: Basado en VDI/VDE 2634 Parte3 Estándar y especificación JJF 1951, se evalúa el rendimiento del error de espaciado de la esfera (SD).



For a kayak with a length of 4 meters, it will take a long time to carry out the measurement. Normal 3D scanners have certain limitations in the scanning area, even there will be data splicing errors and inefficiency issues.


KSCAN series 3D scanner drastically cut down the number of markers due to its unrivaled scanning area of 1440 mm * 860 mm, achieving labor-saving and budget controlled. Besides, the 1,350,000 measurements/s makes a rapid data collection.

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For a kayak with a length of 4 meters, it will take a long time to carry out the measurement. Normal 3D scanners have certain limitations in the scanning area, even there will be data splicing errors and inefficiency issues.


KSCAN series 3D scanner drastically cut down the number of markers due to its unrivaled scanning area of 1440 mm * 860 mm, achieving labor-saving and budget controlled. Besides, the 1,350,000 measurements/s makes a rapid data collection.

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Environment-friendly invisible car film But any accidental shake of the hand may result in a scratch on paintwork.


Non-contact scanning, high precision for image stitching, fast scanning speed, fine and complete 3D data, enabling the 3D scanner to adequately satisfy the needs of obtaining automotive body data to make a paint protection film.

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ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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3D scanning technology realizes lower development cost, distinctive design, and strict quality control for automakers to explore more valuable potential market.

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High-precision 3D scanning brings mold manufacturers great convenience and satisfactory efficiency in product development and prolonging product life cycle.

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Energy & Heavy Industry

Energy & Heavy Industry

ScanTech 3D scanners carry a big weight in overcoming challenges for energy industry for 3D Measurement, 3D Scanner, 3D Scanning&3D Digital Solutions accelerate progress of R&D and strictly control product quality.

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Railway and Ships

Railway and Ships

ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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