SCANTECH (HANGZHOU) CO., LTD. was established in 2015 and has since emerged as a global leader in comprehensive 3D vision digitalization solutions. Dedicated to bridging the physical and digital worlds through cutting-edge technologies, SCANTECH strives to digitize everything and create a 3D-powered future.
In 2025, SCANTECH successfully went public on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, earning the distinction of being the first publicly listed 3D scanning company in China. Since its inception, SCANTECH has been at the forefront of the 3D vision digitalization industry, achieving six major technological breakthroughs. The company has received numerous accolades and certifications, including recognition as a National-Level Specialized and New “Little Giant” Enterprise, CNAS accreditation, and the prestigious Red Dot Award.
SCANTECH’s products are widely used across various industries and applications, including aerospace, automotive manufacturing, heavy machinery, 3D printing, and cultural heritage preservation. With a commitment to innovation and quality, SCANTECH aims to become a global leader in 3D digitalization, rooted in Hangzhou while serving customers worldwide.
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SCANTECH: 688583
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