

3D Digital Solutions per l'ispezione di stampo e madio automobilistico

This article highlights the transformative effect of 3D scanning technology on the inspection process of automotive molds and dies. With the help of KSCAN-Magic, automotive manufacturers can embrace faster time-to-market for new models and improve overal

02 Aug, 2025

In che modo Incolmotos Yamaha ha migliorato la qualità e l'efficienza con la tecnologia di scansione 3D di Scantech

Scantech’s advanced 3D scanning technology has significantly improved manufacturing precision for Incolmotos Yamaha. This case study explores how the technology helped them overcome measurement challenges, enhance quality control, and boost efficiency, al

01 Aug, 2025

In che modo la scansione 3D migliora l'ispezione di stampi riflettenti e grandi - casting?

Scantech’s 3D laser scanners can capture 3D data of the die-casting molds quickly and accurately and generate intuitive reports. Read the case to know how die-casting enterprises used 3D solutions to inspect molds of automotive parts.

28 Jul, 2025

Digitalizzazione di un elicottero Cobra con NimbleTrack per sbloccare il potenziale di scansione 3D

Scantech and Digitize Designs joined forces to digitize a decommissioned Cobra helicopter using the NimbleTrack 3D scanning system. This wireless, portable solution adeptly captured intricate details from all angles. The resulting scan data was transforme

26 Jul, 2025

Immaginazione in metrologia: stazione di misurazione 3D automatizzata AM - Desk

Engineered with intelligent systems and software, automated 3D measurement station AM-DESK aims to reduce the workload of measurements and improve efficiency.

19 Jul, 2025

Digitalizzare lo scafo Dhow da corsa con le soluzioni 3D di Scantech

The Racing Dhow, a traditional Arab racing boat, needed to be digitized to allow for future replication. Scantech’s KSCAN-Magic 3D scanner offered a high-speed, precise, and adaptable solution. The resulting high-fidelity 3D model successfully preserved t

18 Jul, 2025

In che modo lo scanner 3D portatile consente al produttore di carbone di invertire le auto a navetta a carbone

This case study explains how a coal producer used a portable 3D laser scanner with built-in photogrammetry to reverse engineer a coal shutter car to produce new machines.

12 Jul, 2025

Avanzando la produzione e la riparazione di parti automobilistiche con scansione 3D

The article highlights the use of Scantech’s SIMSCAN 3D scanner in automotive parts manufacturing and repair. This technology enhances aftermarket parts production and repair by providing accurate data for quality control, part reproduction, and custom mo

11 Jul, 2025

Applicazione di Scantech nell'analisi delle interferenze della scheda PCB della stazione base 5G

The development of 5G is inseparable from the construction of large-scale data centres and servers, and the development of servers depends upon PCB.

09 Jul, 2025

Protezione del patrimonio culturale da parte delle tecnologie 3D

Heritage conservation has become an extremely urgent task. People used to protect cultural relics by manual works combing photographing and rubbing techniques.

08 Jul, 2025

La scansione 3D migliora l'ispezione e lo sviluppo del prodotto nel settore dell'aviazione

In the aviation industry, a gyrocopter manufacturer employs Scantech’s advanced optical 3D measurement system, TrackScan-Sharp. This cutting-edge technology enables precise and efficient scans of intricate components, enhancing product development and ins

05 Jul, 2025

3D Scansione dell'ala dell'aeromobile mediante scanner 3D HSCAN

The utility model relates to a hand held laser three-dimensional scanner, which is a device which uses a laser which is projected by a grating to scan the three-dimensional point cloud data of an object.

05 Jul, 2025

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