Autoscan - t 3d 시스템

Autoscan - t 자동 3D 시스템은 지능형 자동 검사를위한 새로운 업그레이드입니다. 상점 - 바닥 조건에서 자동 품질 관리를 위해 특별히 설계되어 비용과 효율성 사이의 최적의 일치를 달성하기 위해 기업을 촉진합니다.

Autoscan - t는 마커를 부착하지 않고 파괴적인 스캐닝을 수행합니다. 생산 라인과의 원활한 연결은 워크로드의 감소에 크게 기여합니다. 군사 - 등급 제조 품질은 복잡하고 가혹한 워크숍 환경에 대한 강력한 방향 - 간섭과 높은 적응을 나타냅니다. 국방, 에너지, 5G, 곰팡이 제조 등에 광범위하게 사용할 수 있으므로 사용자는 1 - 클릭 시작, 오프라인 프로그래밍 및 3D 소프트웨어와의 호환성으로 인해 시스템을 쉽게 운영 할 수 있습니다.

Work Seamlessly with Production Line

Based on automatic optical tracking and seamlessly integrated into the production line, it is designed for online automated inspection and enhances the iterative efficiency of the production process greatly.

Multiple Configurations

Conjunction with the handheld 3D scanner, portable CMM, MSCAN photogrammetry system, rotary platforms, and guide rails, realize simultaneous optical tracking and scanning and personalized solutions.

Speed up Precise Inspection

With the adoption of blue laser and synchronous tracking technologies, it reaches up to 1,900,000 measurements/s and an accuracy of 0.025 mm. Efficient and flexible automated manufacturing can be achieved without being affected by external factors.

Military-grade Quality

Being insusceptible to temperature, vibration, dust, etc., the military-grade design presents superior adaptability in harsh industrial environment.


Simple Operation

Due to One-click start, offline programming and generating automated inspection, it enables simple operation for users, regardless of their experience, to easily finish the measurement.

Ready To Get Started?

Rebuild our 3D world with the most advanced 3D scanning system available.

Technical specification

유형Autoscan - T550Autoscan - T542
스캔 모드울트라 - 빠른 스캔21 파란색 레이저 십자가17 개의 파란색 레이저가 십자가
하이퍼 프린 스캐닝7 파란색 평행 레이저 라인
깊은 구멍 스캐닝1 파란색 레이저 라인
정확성(1)최대 0.025 mm (0.0009 인치)
측정 속도까지2,600,000 측정/s2,200,000 측정/s
스캔 영역까지500 mm × 600 mm (× 23.6 인치 19.7 인치)
레이저 클래스클래스 ⅱ (눈 - 안전)
최대 해상도0.020 mm (0.0008 인치)
체적 정확도(2)10.4 m³0.060 mm (0.0025 인치)
18.0 m³0.075 mm (0.0030 인치)
체적 정확도 (MSCAN 사진 측량 시스템 포함)0.044 mm + 0.012 mm/m (0.0017 in + 0.00014 in/ft)
휴대용 CMM T - 프로브의 단일 - 포인트 반복성0.030 mm (0.0012 인치)
구멍 위치 정확도0.050 mm (0.0020 인치)
객체 크기 (권장)100 mm – 8000 mm (3.9 인치 × 315.0 인치)
스탠드 - 오프 거리300mm (11.8 인치)
피사계 심도400mm (15.7 인치)
출력 형식.stl, .ply, .obj, .igs, wrl, .xyz, .dae, .fbx, .ma, .asc 또는 customized
작동 온도 범위- 10 ° C – 40 ° C (14 ℉ - 104 ℉)
작동 습도 (비 - 응축)10% –90% RH
인터페이스 모드USB 3.0
인증CE, UL
특허CN106500627, CN106500628, CN206132003U, CN204854633U, CN204944431U, CN204902788U, CN204963812U, CN20490 2785U, CN106403845, US10309770B2, CN204854633U, CN105068384B, CN105049664B, CN106403845B, CN214375417U, C. N214379242U, CN214379241U, CN109000582B, CN112802002B, CN210567185U, CN211121096U, CN214149174U, CN1140 01671B, CN114001696B, CN114554025B, CN114205483B, US10309770B2, US11060853B2, KR102096806B1, EP3392831B1

(1) ISO 17025 공인 : VDI/VDE 2634 Part 3 표준 및 JJF 1951 사양에 따라 프로브 오류 (크기) (PS) 성능이 평가됩니다.

(2) ISO 17025 공인 : VDI/VDE 2634 Part 3 표준 및 JJF 1951 사양에 따라 Sphere Spacing Error (SD) 성능이 평가됩니다.


Automakers have difficulty in the inspection of large automotive molds. How does 3D scanning help automakers stand out in the highly competitive automotive manufacturing market?


3D scanning is a non-contact and non-destructive technology that digitally captures the shape of the objects and collect data on its shape. It has a wide range of applications no matter in industrial areas or our daily life.

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The customer needs to overhaul a compressor and collect the complete 3D data of the compressor rotor as a guide for maintenance.


The handheld 3D scanner can quickly obtain full 3D data of the workpieces, and the modeling and processing on this basis is conducive to shorten the production cycle of parts and complete the maintenance tasks efficiently

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High-precision aluminum die-casting usually has many features as well as tiny details. How to know the accurate deviation values and revise the errors timely?


3D scanner greatly cuts down the working time with very few markers. It guarantees efficient and accurate scanning so that the manufacturer gets the precise 3D data of aluminum die-casting quickly.

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How to realize the 1:1 digital reestablishment with3D printingtechnology for a car and its parts.


For large-sized workpieces like an automobile, the scanning area and speed are important factors when selecting a3D scanner

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3D Model

Impeller with Helix Structure

Engine Cylinder Block





ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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3D scanning technology realizes lower development cost, distinctive design, and strict quality control for automakers to explore more valuable potential market.

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High-precision 3D scanning brings mold manufacturers great convenience and satisfactory efficiency in product development and prolonging product life cycle.

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Energy & Heavy Industry

Energy & Heavy Industry

ScanTech 3D scanners carry a big weight in overcoming challenges for energy industry for 3D Measurement, 3D Scanner, 3D Scanning&3D Digital Solutions accelerate progress of R&D and strictly control product quality.

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Railway and Ships

Railway and Ships

ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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