HSCAN331 핸드 헬드 3D 스캐너

HSCAN은 Metrology - Grade 3D 스캐너입니다. 객체 표면에서 3D 포인트 클라우드를 얻기 위해 여러 빔 레이저를 채택합니다.

HSCAN 3D 스캐너는 MSCAN (Photogrmetry System)과 함께 작동하면서 대량 볼륨을 스캔하여 볼륨 정확도를 크게 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

HSCAN 3D 레이저 스캐너는 작업장으로 편리하게 운반하고 다양한 환경에서 안정하여 높은 정확한 3D 스캐닝 솔루션을 수행 할 수 있습니다.

Tech Specs

레이저 소스3 빨간 레이저가 교차합니다
(+1 추가 빨간 레이저)
깊은 구멍을 스캔하십시오지원하다
측정 속도265,000 조치/s
스캔 영역225mm × 250mm
레이저 클래스클래스 (눈의 안전)
정확성최대 0.03mm
체적 정확도0.02mm+0.08mm/m
체적 정확도
(MSCAN 포함)
스탠드 - 오프 거리300mm
피사계 심도250mm
출력 형식. ply 、 .xyz 、 .dae 、 、 .fbx 、 .ma 、 .obj 、 .asc 、 .Stl 또는 사용자 정의
작업 온도- 10 ~ 40 ℃
인터페이스 모드기가비트 란
빠른 교정60 년대 이내에 완전한 교정
특허CN204329903U, CN104501740B, CN104165600B, CN204988183U, CN204854633U, CN204944431U, CN204902788U, CN105068384B, CN10504B, CN20490274U CN204963812U, CN204902785U, CN204902790U, CN106403845B, CN209197685U, CN209263911U, CN303453606S, US1030970B2, KR102096B1

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Fast Scanning High Precision

Fast Scanning High Precision

Self-position Dynamic Measuring

Self-position Dynamic Measuring

Real-time Visualization

Real-time Visualization

High Adaptability

High Adaptability

Easy to scan in narrow space

Less than 1kg, flexible & portable; HSCAN 3D scanner has no limitation to measure narrow space

Easy to scan in narrow space

Ready To Get Started?

Rebuild our 3D world with the most advanced 3D scanning system available.



How to perform volume production without labor for complex craft?
The lack of professional carpenters causes high cost and low efficiency for manual sculpture; It is hard for original design to reconstruct complex sculpture.


HSCAN 3D scanner can reconstruct sculpture accurately to enable automatically production and reach high level manual sculpture.

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3d scanning force car assembly into great quality control
Contact measuring has weakness in surface deformation, time-wasting and high technical threshold, brings difficulties for quality control.


HSCAN 3D scanner work with MSCAN photogrammetry system greatly improve volumetric accuracy and make deviation with original CAD for quality control.

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3D Model

Open Spindle On Crusher

Air-conditioning Compressor

Galloping horse treading on a flying swallow




ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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3D scanning technology realizes lower development cost, distinctive design, and strict quality control for automakers to explore more valuable potential market.

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High-precision 3D scanning brings mold manufacturers great convenience and satisfactory efficiency in product development and prolonging product life cycle.

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Energy & Heavy Industry

Energy & Heavy Industry

ScanTech 3D scanners carry a big weight in overcoming challenges for energy industry for 3D Measurement, 3D Scanner, 3D Scanning&3D Digital Solutions accelerate progress of R&D and strictly control product quality.

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Railway and Ships

Railway and Ships

ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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ScanTech delivers reliable 3D digitalization and NDT solutions for manufacturers in the aerospace industry, bringing disruptive improvements to the manufacturing field.

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