DefinSight All-in-One Metrology 3D Software Platform
DefinSight is an all-in-one 3D metrology software platform that aims to integrate the full capabilities of Scantech’s cutting-edge 3D software. With its intelligent data-optimizing algorithm and real-time computing, DefinSight delivers advanced 3D scanning and inspection like never before.
We empower industrial companies to overcome complex 3D measurement challenges and optimize their measurement processes with cutting-edge 3D metrology software and scanning devices. Our innovative solutions ensure precise measurements and enhanced equipment performance across various applications. The newly designed interface, combined with high compatibility and efficient data processing, allows for faster, more precise, and highly detailed 3D data capture and analysis. Balancing powerful features with user-friendly design, DefinSight is the perfect solution for both beginners and professionals.
Everything You Need
Designed to integrate with Scantech’s range of industrial 3D scanners, DefinSight offers robust 3D metrology software solutions. It combines 3D scanning, data processing, and analysis in one interface, eliminating the need for multiple software tools. Thanks to its integrated data management system, it allows for a smooth flow, efficient processing, and storage of data.
Get the Most Out of 3D Scanning
Thanks to its versatile and complete toolset, DefinSight has a high capability for 3D scanning and measurement. It supports instant start and enables smooth and fast 3D scanning. With magic button control, users can perform daily measurement tasks with a single press.Download Brochure
We invite you to download our detailed brochure. Scantech provides comprehensive solutions to frequently asked queries about our 3D scanner.
High-tech 3D Scanners
SCANTECH’s handheld 3D scanners power the 3D scanning services. These
instruments can obtain precise point clouds, which can be triangulated into a polygon mesh or STL file.
Due to their high precision, versatility, and portability, they can fulfill various
metrology-grade 3D scanning projects.
Related Case
Interested in the DefinSight All-in-one Metrology 3D Software Platform? We highly encourage you to consult with an expert from Scantech. Our experienced professionals are proficient in identifying
We highly encourage you to consult with an expert from SCANTECH. Our experienced professionals are proficient in identifying optimal solutions tailored to your requirements.
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