SIMSCAN Handheld 3D Laser Scanner

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Simscan Handheld 3D Laser Scanner

SIMSCAN Handheld 3D Laser Scanner

SIMSCAN, a palm-sized portable 3D laser scanner, is specially designed for 3D scanning narrow and hard-to-reach areas. Featuring full-metal housing, it is incredibly sturdy and reliable. SIMSCAN has become a disruptive innovation among professional 3D scanners due to its compact size, simplicity and robust performance. Its cutting-edge design also wins itself German Red Dot Award and China Design Silver Award. SIMSCAN performs high-quality 3D scanning regardless of any restrictions from the working environment. It is ideal for 3D scanning both narrow spaces and large-scale parts. Users can accurately capture every detail of objects and construct 3D models in a very short amount of time with the help of this metrology-grade 3D measurement instrument.
Simscan Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
Simscan Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
Simscan Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
China Design Silver Award

China Design Silver Award

Scanning area up to 700 mm × 600 mm

Scanning area up to 700 mm × 600 mm

Camera Distance 130 mm

Camera Distance 130 mm

Accuracy 0.020 mm

Accuracy 0.020 mm

Up to 2,800,000 measurements/s

Up to 2,800,000 measurements/s

Net Weight 570 g

Net Weight 570 g

Experience the Performance of Portable 3D Laser Scanner

Whether you are in the lab, on the shop floor, or out in the field, you need to rely on portable, metrology-grade 3D scanners that pack a true punch in terms of ease of use, accuracy, resolution, reliability and fast data acquisition.

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Single-handed Control
Single-handed Control
Single-handed Control

Single-handed Control

SIMSCAN’s full-metal housing provides solid protection and ensures extraordinary durability. Weighted only 570 g and sized 203 × 80 × 44 mm, SIMSCAN portable 3D scanner brings unparalleled simpleness for scanning anything with one hand.

Because of its hollow structure, it dissipates heat more effectively. The 3D laser scanner is efficient at performing measurements with low power consumption. Thanks to its versatility, it can meet a wide range of needs of 3D measurements.

Narrow-space Measuring Booster

Compared with its competitors, SIMSCAN has a much shorter camera distance of 130 mm, which forms a steeper view angle to 3D scan narrow spaces. Therefore, SIMSCAN is more capable of capturing accurate and complete data in hard-to-reach areas like deep grooves and ensures users to capture full-field data.
Narrow-space Measuring Booster
Narrow-space Measuring Booster
Detail, Everywhere
Detail, Everywhere
Detail, Everywhere

Detail, Everywhere

With its built-in HD cameras and three scanning modes, it realizes high-precision scanning with an accuracy up to 0.020 mm. It can accurately capture the 3D data of objects with complex surfaces or in confined areas.

Remarkable Portability

SIMSCAN boasts a compact size and excellent portability. No matter in narrow spaces or under huge objects, SIMSCAN portable 3D scanner can conduct 3D measurements anywhere and anytime. When paired with wireless communication link AirGO Power, it supports mobile 3D scanning and data viewing for truly flexible, reliable, and effective measurement experiences.

With its multifunctional buttons, users can switch between different modes at any time. Its single-handed operation allows flexible measuring and its ergonomic design makes it comfortable to use. Designed with an anti-slip housing and a strap, it is safe for users to scan in all directions freely.

Remarkable Portability
Remarkable Portability
Remarkable Portability
Smooth 3D Experience
Smooth 3D Experience
Smooth 3D Experience

Smooth 3D Experience

SIMSCAN boasts a remarkable 3D scanning rate of up to 2.8 million measurements per second, made possible by its advanced algorithm. This design ensures users enjoy a seamless and efficient 3D digitization process.

When paired with Scantech’s automated 3D measurement system, it enables continuous measurements, breaking free from the constraints of traditional methods. Automated high-batch measurement overcomes the limitation of traditional methods and it significantly improves efficiency for all stages of manufacturing.

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The SIMSCAN 3D laser scanner highlights its compact size, ensuring portability and flexibility in tight spaces across industries such as manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare. It excels in tasks like quality control and reverse engineering, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness.

Technical Specifications

TypeSimScan 42SimScan 30SimScan 22
Modo de varreduraUltra - varredura rápida17 cruzes a laser azuis11 cruzes a laser azul7 cruzes a laser azul
Varredura de hiperfina7 linhas laser paralelas azuis
Pedição profunda do buraco1 linha de laser azul extra
Precisão(1)Até 0,020 mm (0,0008 pol)
Taxa de varredura até2.800.000 medidas/s2.020.000 medidas/s1.250.000 medidas/s
Área de varredura até700 mm × 600 mm (27,6 em × 23,6 polegadas)650 mm × 550 mm (25,6 em × 21,7 pol.)
Classe a laserClasseⅱ
(olho - seguro)
Resolução até0,020 mm (0,0008 pol)
Precisão do volume(2)Padrão0,015 mm + 0,035 mm/m (0,0006 em + 0,0004 pol/ft)
Emparelhado com mscan - l150,015 mm + 0,012 mm/m (0,0006 em + 0,00014 pol/ft)
Ficar de distância300 mm (11,8 pol)
Profundidade de campo550 mm (21,7 in)
Formatos de saída.stl, .obj, .ply, .asc, .igs, .txt, .mk2, .umk e etc.
Faixa de temperatura operacional- 10 ℃ –40 ℃ (14 ℉ - 104 ℉)
Modo de interfaceUSB 3.0
Dimensões203 mm × 80 mm × 44 mm (8,0 em × 3,1 em × 1,7 pol.)
Peso570 g (1,26 lb)
PatentesCN204329903U, CN104501740B, CN204854633U, CN204944431U, CN204902788U, CN10505068384B, CN1050440B, CN204902784UU, CN110030946B, CN212300269U, CN211904059U, CN211696268U, CN306053019S, CN212606697U, CN306321502S

(1) ISO 17025 Credenciado: Com base na especificação VDI/VDE 2634 Parte 3 e JJF 1951 especificação, erro de sondagem (tamanho) (PS) O desempenho é avaliado.

(2) ISO 17025 Credenciado: Com base no VDI/VDE 2634 Part3 Standard e JJF 1951 Especificação, o desempenho do erro de espaçamento da esfera (SD) é avaliado.

Compatible Software

Zeiss Quality Suite Verisurf Polyworks Geomagic Control X for Scantech

Download Brochure

We invite you to download our detailed brochure. Scantech provides comprehensive solutions to frequently asked queries about our 3D scanner.


High-tech 3D Scanners

SCANTECH’s handheld 3D scanners power the 3D scanning services. These instruments can obtain precise point clouds, which can be triangulated into a polygon mesh or STL file.
Due to their high precision, versatility, and portability, they can fulfill various metrology-grade 3D scanning projects.

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We highly encourage you to consult with an expert from Scantech. Our experienced professionals are proficient in identifying optimal solutions tailored to your requirements.

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