Automotive chassis parts 3D inspectionIt’s difficult to test automotive chassis parts, because Camera 3d scanner is easy to destruct surface and normal handheld 3d scanner can’t reach the high detail requirement.
3d scanning force car assembly into great quality controlContact measuring has weakness in surface deformation, time-wasting and high technical threshold, brings difficulties for quality control.
Scantech launches the intelligent robotic path planning and guiding system M-Track. It can help to conduct multiple tasks ranging from automated grinding, coating, to welding.
This article presents a new method of aligning blanks for machining by means of 3D laser scanning. We introduce two case of aligning, an irregularly-shaped blank and a forged axle blank, and demonstrates the benefits of high-tech 3D scanning.
Select the right handheld 3D laser scanner depends on the size of the objects you plan to scan and the precision needed. Scantech’s 2024 guide outlines a variety of scanners, each designed to suit different object sizes and project requirements.
In this passage, we are going to introduce the world of 3D scanning and laser scanning, two technologies that reshape the way we perceive and interact with the physical world.
If you’re producing precision components in a large volume, quality drives the entire manufacturing process. One of the ways to ensure the quality of products is automatic inspection. This technologically updated approach helps to overcome the problems as
The Yi ethnic group in China has been making lacquerware for centuries. Scantech partnered with Alibaba Group’s welfare project to digitally preserve the Yi lacquerware by 3D scanning objects with portable 3D scanner KSCAN-Magic.