3DeVOK MT: Engineered for Professional Productivity

Inheriting Industrial Excellence, Crafted for Next-Gen Magic Tool

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3devok MT Professional 3D -сканер

3DeVOK MT: Engineered for Professional Productivity

The 3DeVOK MT is a professional and versatile 3D scanner that stands out for its exceptional performance. Based on industrial-grade 3D scanning technology, it incorporates both lasers and speckles to offer you a magic tool. With professional scanning software, flexible parameter settings, intuitive interaction, and reliable performance, it significantly enhances work efficiency. It is an excellent solution for scanning objects of almost any kind, making it ideal for artistic design, reverse engineering, 3D measurement, 3D visualization, 3D printing, research, education and more.

Key Features: Efficient scanning with 34 blue laser lines, Marker-free scanning with laser modes, Smart combination of large-area infrared speckle and partial fine scanning, Advanced hybrid alignment, Invisible light scanning, Easy scanning for black and reflective objects without spray, Outdoor scanning.

3devok MT Professional 3D -сканер
3 Types of Light Sources

3 Types of Light Sources

Accuracy 0.04mm

Accuracy 0.04mm

Resolution 0.05mm

Resolution 0.05mm

Scanning Speed 4,500,000 points/s

Scanning Speed 4,500,000 points/s

Scanning Area 1100mm × 1000 mm

Scanning Area 1100mm × 1000 mm

Scanning Distance 1500mm

Scanning Distance 1500mm

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Industrial & Automotive Parts / Product Design

Industrial & Automotive Parts / Product Design

Marker Alignment with 34-line blue laser & 22-line infrared laser

  • High Data Quality: Accuracy reaching 0.04 mm, resolution up to 0.05 mm
  • Strong Material Adaptability: Capture black and reflective surfaces without scanning spray
  • Fast Scanning: Frame rates up to 70 FPS while a maximum single-frame scanning area of 490 mm × 490 mm
  • Efficient Operation: Marker distance of 10-12 cm, reducing marker usage
  • Real-time Scanning: New real-time mesh display algorithm for easy monitoring of scan results
  • 3D Data Compatibility: Support export of formats like .asc and .stl, compatible with mainstream CAD and reverse engineering software
  • Recommended Object Size: 0.05–5 m
  • Applications: CAD design, reverse engineering, automotive customization, 3D printing, virtual simulation, and more

Art Sculptures / Movable Cultural Relics

Hybrid Alignment with 34 blue laser lines & 22 infrared laser lines

  • Marker-free Scanning: Direct scanning of objects with rich textures or geometric features
  • Fine Details: Resolution up to 0.1 mm
  • Strong Material Adaptability: Easily handle dark, black, and reflective surfaces
  • Stable Lighting Adaptability: Ensure smooth data acquisition in both low light and direct sunlight
  • Recommended Scanning Size: 0.1–4 m
  • Applications: Suitable for 3D art design, cultural and creative product design, and digital archiving/restoration/monitoring/preservation of cultural relics
Art Sculptures / Movable Cultural Relics
High-Definition Full-Color Mapping Solution

High-Definition Full-Color Mapping Solution

    • Comprehensive Workflow: Combine MT color 3D scanning with free texture mapping or optional advanced 3D texturing software to capture precise and vivid 3D color data
    • Ideal Objects: Suitable for items with intricate textures and vibrant colors
    • Applications: Perfect for 3D visualization, full-color 3D printing, cultural heritage data archiving, and more

* Enhanced 3D Data Display with Color Scanning and Texture Mapping

Medium to Large Objects / Sculptures / Full-Body Scans

Large-area Infrared Speckle + Partial Fine Scanning with 3 Light Sources

  • Powerful Alignment Capability: Large-area infrared speckle scanning covers up to 1,100 mm*1,000 mm per frame, efficiently accommodating medium to large objects
  • Partial Fine Scanning: Supports seamless mode switching and data integration, allowing smooth scanning of larger objects while preserving intricate details (resolution up to 0.1 mm).
  • Large Depth of Filed: Scanning distance from 150 to 1,500 mm enables versatile, multi-angle scanning for comprehensive data capture
  • Maximum Scanning Size: up to 5m
Medium to Large Objects / Sculptures / Full-Body Scans
Full-Body / Body Parts Scanning

Full-Body / Body Parts Scanning

Infrared Speckle + Geometry / Hybrid Alignment

  • Human Body Mode: Supports no-light scanning, hair capture, and automatic correction of slight movements
  • Eye-Safety: Class I laser compliant with IEC 60825 standards, ensuring safe operation
  • Exceptional Detail: Resolution up to 0.1 mm for sharp and clear details
  • Easy Operation: Maximum scanning area of 1,100 mm × 1,000 mm for smooth scanning
  • Strong Adaptability: No need for exposure adjustments, making it easy to scan dark clothing
  • Applications: Ideal for medical rehabilitation, artistic design, personalized customization, and more.

Research / Education

  • Versatile Coverage: Accommodates a wide range of object sizes, from 0.05 m to 5 m
  • Environmental Compatibility: Adapts seamlessly to both indoor and outdoor scanning conditions
  • Multidisciplinary Applications: Supports diverse fields, including industrial design, mechanical design, art, cultural heritage and archaeology, medical rehabilitation, and forensic science.
  • Education-Friendly & Professional Support: Scanning software with no node limitations, plus exclusive educational discounts, offering a cost-effective 3D solution tailored for research and teaching
Research / Education

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3DeVOK MT Professional 3D Scanner Video

Technical Specifications

Product Brands & Models3devok Mt
Light Sources34 Blue Laser Lines22 инфракрасных лазерных линий [невидимых]Инфракрасный структурированный свет VCSEL [невидимый]
Class of LasersClass Ⅱ (Eye-safe)Class Ⅰ (Eye-safe)
Режим сканированияBlue Line Laser
(Supports markerless scanning)
Infrared Line Laser
(Поддерживает без маркеры и невидимо - Сканирование света)
Инфракрасный линейный - Структурированный свет
(Поддерживает без маркеров, невидимое сканирование света, частичное мелкое сканирование и быстрое сканирование на Ultra - Long - Distance Drange и Ultra - Большой FOV)
Basic Accuracy✱Up to 0.04 mm
Volumetric Accuracy✱Up to 0.04 mm + 0.06 mm/m
Point Distance0.05 – 5 mm0.1 – 5 mmRegular Scan: 0.2-5 mm
Fine Scan: 0.1-5 mm
Alignment ModeГибридный выравнивание (маркеры и текстура и геометрические функции), выравнивание маркеров, выравнивание функций текстуры и выравнивание геометрических объектовГибридный выравнивание (маркер и текстура и геометрические функции), выравнивание функций текстуры и выравнивание геометрических объектов
Ability to Capture TextureДа
Scanning Distance150 – 1000mm150 – 1500mm
Поле зрения140 мм × 140 мм - 490 мм × 490 мм50 мм × 75 мм - 1100 мм × 1000 мм
Scanning SpeedUp to 3,300,000 Points/sUp to 2,450,000 Points/sДо 4500 000 баллов/с
Output Formats*.obj, *.stl, *ply, *.asc, *.mk2, *. txt, *. epj, *. apj, *. spj, *. Map, *sk
The Ability for 3D PrintingПоддерживает .stl, .obj и другие форматы
Рабочий диапазон температуры0 – 40 ℃
Working Humidity Range10% - 90% RH (не - Конденсирование)
ИнтерфейсUSB 3.0
Scanner Dimensions & WeightРазмеры: 215 мм × 73 мм × 53 мм; Вес: 640 г.
Источник питанияDC: 12 V, 5.0 A
СертификатыCE - EMC, FCC, ROHS, IEC 60825, IEC 62471, IEC 60529 - IP50, WEEE, KC
Рекомендуемые конфигурации для ПКОС: WIN10/WIN11, 64 - BIT; ЦП: i7 - 13650HX и выше; ОЗУ: 32 ГБ и выше;
Графическая карта: дискретная графическая карта NVIDIA, NVIDIA RTX3060 и выше; Графическая память: 6 ГБ и выше
✱ Это результаты теоретической точности лаборатории, которые принадлежат ошибкам неопределенности.

Compatible Software

Zeiss Quality Suite Verisurf Polyworks Geomagic Control X for Scantech

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